Montessori Specialization

A group of teachers and assistants of our Casa dei Bambini and BBSIM, is culminating the Montessori Specialization course with the endorsement of Opera Nazionale Montessori , Italian publisher and organization of research, training, consulting and dissemination of scientific and methodological principles and ideals of Maria Montessori. 

Inauguration of the remodeling of the Aula Magna

Last Thursday, June 8, was a very special night for our Scuola Community since the long-awaited reopening of the Aula Magna, an emblematic space that has undergone a major remodeling. This significant event was marked by the emotional ceremony of unveiling a plaque in honor of the centenary of the birth of Fulvio Benini, President of the Board of Directors who left an unforgettable mark on the Institution and on the entire Italian Community in Uruguay.

The celebration featured the outstanding presentation of the Voices Choir, the Gioia Choir and our Primary Choir who came together to close the evening.

"Continuing the dream of a Scuola at the forefront and unique in the world", the renovation was carried out with the contribution of the Benini Fontana family, which sought to preserve the historical essence of the school and -at the same time- provide it with modernity and acoustic improvement.  Our generations of students and so many who will come will enjoy this space that symbolizes the heart of our school.

 Thank you to everyone who joined us.

Graduation generation 2022

Last Friday the Graduation Ceremony of the Generation 2022 was celebrated with great emotion at the Scuola. It was an event full of joy and nostalgia, where students and families met with their teachers to commemorate the end of a stage and the beginning of new horizons.

The ceremony took place in the Aula Magna dressed as a party for the occasion. The graduates received their stoles, wearing them proud of all the achievements they had achieved along their way at the Scuola.

The speeches of the professors and authorities were filled with inspiring words and congratulations for the efforts and dedication of the graduates. The commitment and passion they demonstrated in their learning was highlighted, as well as their ability to overcome challenges and face new opportunities.

The presentation of diplomas and medals was a very exciting moment. Applause echoed in the hall, reflecting the pride and support of their loved ones.

The Graduation of the 2022 generation at the Scuola was a moment of celebration and reflection. The graduates said goodbye to their peers and faculty, grateful for the years of learning and growth they shared together. With the certainty that they will carry with them the values and knowledge acquired, they prepare to face new challenges and build a promising future.